Board of Education
The Coventry Public Schools will prepare every student for life, learning and work in the 21st century.
-Mission Statement of the Coventry Public Schools
Board Members
Jennifer Beausoleil, Chairperson
Eugene (Gene) Marchand, Vice-Chairperson
Mary Kortmann, Secretary
Coventry Board of Education Meetings
The Board of Education usually meets on the second and last Thursday of each month. Meetings are held in the Administration Building conference room at 7:00 p.m. (unless otherwise noted on the agenda). The public is invited to attend all meetings. Board of Education meetings are televised on cable channel 194.
Agendas are posted on the Friday before each meeting. Additional, canceled or rescheduled meetings will be announced as required.
View meeting dates, agendas and minutes
Access live streaming BOE meetings
Town of Coventry's Video on Demand Library
Board of Education Goals
1. Identify, define, and measure the critical skills and attributes that are required for success and align systems to continuously improve student performance and achievement.
2. Maintain and promote a positive and respectful learning community.
3. Recruit, retain and develop high quality staff at every level.
Town of Coventry Agreements and Policies Related to the Board of Education
- Memorandum of Agreement – Non Resident Tuition
- Town Policy Establishing a BOE Reserve Fund for Capital Expenditure
- Creation of Preschool Education Fund