Coventry Public Schools Home

Use of Buildings and Fields


Community Use Calendar


Login to FMX

Click on the link above to access our facilities management system.  Then, follow the directions linked below to login and create a schedule request for building use.  

Written Directions | Video Directions


Coventry Public Schools’ fields and courts are now available to the public as long as safety restrictions and existing orders are met. 


Rules/Respect of Property

Our schools and land are community assets. It is up to all of us to do our part to keep them in good condition for future use. Follow rules as posted and show respect to others while using these resources. Please report damage or dangerous behavior that you see to the Facilities department at 860-742-4525.

In facilities or on the grounds:

  • No smoking
  • No alcohol or illegal substances
  • No weapons
  • Dispose of trash properly or take it away with you
  • Don’t use fields that are vulnerable due to saturation
  • Help us avoid very expensive repairs - follow rules posted for the high school track
  • No golfing on playing fields – lost golf balls could cause serious and permanent injuries to school athletes
  • No open flames to include fire pits wood or gas, gas heaters, etc.