General Information & Directions
Enrollment Information
Weather-related/Emergency Closings, Delays and Early Releases
Schedules for Remote Learning Snow Days
Inclement Weather Decisions - A Letter from the Superintendent
Announcements regarding closings, delayed openings, or unplanned early releases will be made via our automated phone calling system. In addition to broadcasting on various TV and radio stations, all student home phone numbers will be phoned.
For specific school hours related to closings, delayed openings, or early releases, please see building information below.
Building Information
For building locations, phone/fax numbers, directions and hours, please click on each building for more information.
- Administration Building
- Hale Early Education Center (PreK)
- Coventry Grammar School (Grades K-2)
- George Hersey Robertson School (Grades 3-5)
- Captain Nathan Hale Middle School (Grades 6-8)
- Coventry High School (Grades 9-12)