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Parent Message - 01/31/25

Paula Sandahl

Parents and Guardians

Gratitude is the best attitude! Couple the gratitude attitude with a positive mindset, and every situation can appear brighter which fosters a positive school climate. Our positive school climate initiatives include Safety, Respect, and Responsibility. Our focus area for the month of February is Respect. To show respect is to be kind to others, work together, and be mindful of others’ property. Please consider reinforcing this with your child (ren) by playing a board game and recognizing their respectful behavior for the month of February.

Thank you for sharing your child(ren) with Team CGS! I am grateful for being a part of the Team.

Be well!


Important Reminders

Arrival 8:10-8:30
A friendly reminder that school begins at 8:30. Please drop your child off prior to that time, especially if they will be eating breakfast. When they come in after 8:30, they are missing out on several morning classroom routines and regularly miss valuable learning time. . Children who arrive after 8:30 are marked tardy.

Health Updates
We’ve seen a variety of illnesses affecting both students and staff recently. As we transition into February, remember that this is the peak of the cold and flu season. Please refer to the following guidelines when deciding if your child is healthy enough to attend school.

When to stay home and rest:
● If your child has a fever, they should stay home until they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of Motrin or Tylenol.
● If your child is experiencing vomiting, diarrhea, or a noticeable change in appetite, they should remain home until they are symptom free for 24 hours and able to tolerate their regular diet.
● For strep throat, conjunctivitis (pink eye), and other illnesses requiring treatment with an antibiotic, your child should remain home until they have had a full 24 hours of antibiotics and are well enough to tolerate a full day of school.
● If your child has symptoms that prevent them from sleeping such as an earache, sore throat, asthma flare up, persistent coughing or digestive issues, consider keeping them home for monitoring and evaluation by their health care provider when necessary.

Healthy Habits:
● Teach and encourage good handwashing.
● Teach your child to cough or sneeze into their upper sleeve or the crease that is created when they bend their elbow. At CGS this is referred to as their “cough pocket”.
● Encourage healthy eating habits
● Encourage your child to be physically active by playing outdoors weather permitting, participating in an organized activity such as dance, gymnastics, recreational sports or just taking a family walk or hike.
● Make sure your child has a good night's sleep by maintaining a regular bedtime.


Read More about Parent Message - 01/31/25