Tuesday, January 28 - Game of the Week Activity - Games, Music, Food, Fun!
Friday, January 31 - Early Release, 11:00AM, Staff Development
Friday, January 31 - CNH Celebrates Chinese New Year
Monday, March 31 - Family STEAM Night
- Family STEAM Night will be on Monday, March 31, 2025 from 5:30 PM–7:00 PM at the CNH/CHS Library Media Center
- Event will consist of hands-on activities focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math.
- Be on the lookout for an email early March which will include a sign up
Reminder: If you have not completed your child’s Annual Updates - Health updates, Permissions & Agreement updates and Contact updates - please do so today. Also, all outstanding technical fees (repair and/or lost chromebook items) and/or sport transportation fees need to be paid. If these forms are not completed and/or you owe fees, your child will not be able to participate in any after-school activities, STEAM Night, Game of the Week, dances, spring sports, after-school clubs, ski club and field trips.
CNH Yearbook on Sale
It’s that time of year! The 2024/2025 CNH yearbook is ON SALE! Yearbooks can be ordered online or in person. Yearbooks are $15 by the end of February ($20 from March 1st on).
To order online, http://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A01024900
Paper order forms can be printed or pick one up in the CNH main office. Please return the form and payment in an envelope WITH the student’s name AND grade to Ms. Murdoch or the CNH Office.
Upcoming Sporting Events:
Monday, January 27 - Wrestling vs McGee MS (Away 4:00)
Tuesday, January 28 - Boys’ Basketball vs Barrow STEM (Away 3:45)
Girls’ Basketball vs Barrow STEM (Home 3:45)