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At Coventry Grammar School, we believe in creating a safe learning environment for all students; an environment in which students feel safe enough to take academic risks. Creative, motivating and differentiated activities fully engage and involve children in the learning process.

Our curricular beliefs focus on developing within each student an ability to read with comprehension and critical judgment, to write and speak with clarity and effectiveness, and to master the disciplines of mathematics and science. Additionally, we believe exposure to the applied as well as performing arts, and a practical knowledge of how to acquire and maintain personal physical and mental health are important aspects to a total education experience.

The emergence of a global economy and technology innovations allow children to become more aware of the culturally diverse communities that exist in the world. The nature of the social, economic, and scientific problems they will encounter will be complex. Therefore, possessing the ability to work cooperatively with others has become an essential life skill.

The instructional program of the Coventry Grammar School is in compliance with the goals of the Coventry Board of Education and with the district’s policy on inclusion. Continued emphasis will be placed on the integration of regular education and special education activities so that the needs of all children can be met.


The administration, faculty, and staff of Coventry Grammar School will strive to:

  1. Design an educational program to support primary students as they acquire the academic skills that will provide them with a sound and solid basis for all future learning.
  2. Develop a cooperative system of home-school communication that will encourage parents and families to become involved in the education of their children in partnership with school staff.
  3. Continually review the curricular expectations to ensure that there is continuity of instruction across grade levels.
  4. Lay the foundation for the development of the higher-level thinking skills needed to participate in a diverse society.
  5. Encourage communication among staff members and parents relative to the social, emotional, and academic stages of growth characteristics of children in this age group.

CGS Curriculum Guides