Special Services
Our team of special educators at Coventry Grammar School is dedicated to providing effective and meaningful learning experiences for all children. The goal of special education is to provide equal access to and opportunities for all students to be educated in their home school. Special educators embrace the challenge of maintaining a comprehensive program that includes specialized instruction in the resource room, support in classrooms, and our Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) program for students with intensive needs. Our team of special educators are:
Ellen Tulman - etulman@coventryct.org
Jennifer Turner- jturner@coventryct.org
Zoe Zimber - zzimber@coventryct.org
AJ Fiondella - afiondella@coventryct.org
In addition, related services are provided as deemed necessary during a Planning and Placement Team (PPT) meeting; those include speech/language pathologist, school psychologist, school social worker, occupational therapist, physical therapist and Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).
Occupational Therapist- Tirza Roda - troda@coventryct.org
Occupational Therapist Assistant- Michelle Craddock - mcraddock@coventryct.org
Physical Therapist- Linda Tomaszewski ltomaszewski@coventryct.org
Speech and Language Pathologist- Sarah Cooper scooper@coventryct.org
Psychologist- Jeannine Hintz jhintz@coventryct.org
Social Worker-Kelly Martin kmartin@coventryct.org
BCBA - Amber Walker awalker@coventryct.org
RBT - Brianna Abbott babbott@coventryct.org
Additional support is provided to staff and students by a team of dedicated paraprofessionals. Direct support for paraprofessional support is a PPT decision. If you have a question regarding special education services, please contact your child’s classroom teacher, special education case manager, or the main office.