Business & Finance Technology
The CHS Business & Finance Technology Department prepares students to become knowledgeable and ethical decision makers as they fulfill their roles as citizens, workers and consumers.
- All students should be literate in business in order to participate in the global economy.
- All students should practice interpersonal, teamwork, and leadership skills that enable them to function successfully in a business environment characterized by diversity.
- All students should refine lifelong learning skills that foster flexible career paths and confidence in adapting to a workplace using technology as a tool for managing information.
Recommended Sequence
9th Grade - Intro to Business
10th Grade - Personal Finance
11th Grade - Accounting I, Accounting II
12th Grade - Business Management
Business Management
9th Grade - Intro to Business
10th Grade - Business Management
11th Grade - Accounting I, Accounting II, Personal Finance
12th Grade - Entrepreneurship