Coventry High School offers a variety of ways to get involved in the school community. Each option has something different to offer and we encourage students to take part in what CHS has to offer. Please see below for a look at some of our offerings.
Instrumental Music Courses / Ensembles and Activities / Students and Parents / Tri-M / CHS Music Boosters
Approximately 100 students are enrolled in Instrumental Music at Coventry High School representing 20% of the High School Population. Students in the Band Program participate in nearly every sport, club, and activity offered at Coventry High School. Many of these students perform regularly as members of the CHS Concert Band and are enrolled in daily music classes ranging from a number of Independent Studies up to larger ensemble-style classes. Students in the Concert Band meet as a full ensemble on Thursday nights from 7 to 9 o’clock. The CHS Jazz Ensemble, which is made up of many students from the Concert Band as well as additional students not enrolled in Concert Band, became a regular class during the school day in the Fall of 2013. These ensembles perform, on average, 4 to 5 large concerts a year and each student will have performed approximately 15 to 20 pieces of concert repertoire each year in addition to any musical side-projects they take on.
Students in the CHS Music Program have the opportunity to participate in the CT Music Educator’s Association Eastern Region Music Festival as well the CMEA All-State Festival, both of which provide an individual audition environment for placement in honors ensembles. Students from CHS also participate in the Charter Oak Music Festival and ASBDA High School Honors Festival which both occur in the Fall of each year with local high schools from CT. Over the last five years, the CHS Band has traveled to and performed in Baltimore, MD; Virginia Beach; and Cleveland, OH. Events in Coventry have included the Coventry Jazz Festival, Valentine’s Danceband, as well as numerous town and community events. In the Fall of 2012, the Town of Coventry’s 300th Anniversary Parade committee awarded the CHS Band with a “Community Pride Award.” The Band also performs at all varsity home football games. The students of the CHS Band are fortunate to have worked with numerous guest artists including the Red Satin Band, Dr. Matthew Aubin (Music Professor, Washington State University), Martin Piecuch (Saxophone Artist), Dr. David Mills (Director of Bands, UConn), as well as the many clinicians that they have encountered while travelling. Together with the CHS Music Boosters, the Band seeks to encourage attendance at live music, most recently including performances of the Cleveland Orchestra and Boston Symphony. Past performances have included Tommy Iggoe and The Birdland Big Band and Kodo Drumming, both at Jorgensen Theater.
CHS Chorus Advisor: Tatiana Dimovski
The CHS Chorus is open to all students. Students who enroll are required to take class during the school day and participate in activities outside of school including evening rehearsals, the winter concert, the choral cabaret, the spring concert and graduation.
Enrichment Clubs
Enrichment Clubs:
- Acoustic Guitar
- Albert Schweitzer
- Basketball
- Board Games
- Chess
- College Discussion
- Comic Book
- Cooking
- Gaming
- Heritage and Culture
- Hollywood V. Science
- Karaoke
- Making Waves
- National Honor Society
- Open Studio Art
- Rugby
- Ski and Snowboard
- Student Council
- Tri-M
- Weight Training
- Yearbook
- Senior Class Activities
- Junior Class Activities
- Sophomore Class Activities
- Freshman Class Activities
Fine Arts
Student Council
Advisor: Michael Casey
The CHS Student Council exists to promote civic responsibility, leadership, scholarship, and human relations. Student Council serves two distinctive functions, a legislative role and a service role.
The legislative purpose of the council is for the individual council members to represent the interests of the student body. Members review and respond to feedback from the student body and if necessary act as a go-between when student issues need to be discussed with school administration. Student feedback is welcome and is to be discussed at formal Student Council meetings, which are held at least once a week during Enrichment.
Providing service to the students, the school and the community is the primary purpose of the CHS Student Council. The Student Council is at the heart of many high school and community activities sponsoring a wide variety of services and activities throughout the year to promote citizenship, scholarship, leadership, human relations and cultural values. The council also represents the student body at many special school functions.