What happens if I get an "Incomplete" on my Portfolio 3rd quarter?
If you are a senior expecting to graduate, you MUST ATTEND PORTFOLIO NIGHT, and present your portfolio. If you attended and received an INCOMPLETE, you must contact Ms. Casale to understand what is missing and how to properly complete your portfolio. After successful completion of your portfolio, then you and Ms. Casale will work together to schedule a formal presentation to 3 Staff Members.
What's a multimedia electronic format?
The portfolio may not be a collection of documents stored in folders on the computer. The portfolio MUST be on a Google Site website that allows you to 1) display and/ or make hyperlinks (clickable links) to your work 2) Display and/ or make links to your explanations of how your work relates to Coventry High School's goals and expectations and 3) Display and/ or make links to your resumé, personal introduction, etc. Make sure that all presentations and sites are set to PUBLIC. Pro Tip – remove any personal identification information from your Resume.
IMPORTANT:Your files need to work on any computer. (Need to be open-able using Microsoft Office and the programs on our computer. If it's a program that they only have in a CAD lab, try making a screen shot (picture- CTRL+ PRINTSCRN) and pasting into "paint" or "photoshop" and saving as an image. This was you can display samples of your work and reflect upon the work in your reflections. If you know how to save as a PDF, that works best on websites (the new labs at CHS let you do it from Word). You can also put text right into your webpage. You shouldn't need to "provide" the files for your portfolio on portfolio night with a Flash drive--Plan Ahead.
How do I prepare for my oral analysis and defense?
Oral Reflections/Defense Resource