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Teacher FAQs

What is the appropriate grade to enter for “Passing” ?

P Entered by a "sequestered jury" during Portfolio Night.

What is the appropriate grade to enter for “Failing” ?

Incomplete ( I ). Theoretically, the Graduation Portfolio is “incomplete” until Senior requirements have been verified by staff. Thus, the “I” grade is data that can help us with necessary interventions leading up to the final outcome.

What are the consequences for an “Incomplete” ?

The only ACADEMIC consequence (after failing to remediate and failing to complete it 4th quarter):Not graduating.

THE ONLY WAY FOR STUDENTS WHO DID NOT ATTEND THE PORTFOLIO NIGHT TO “PASS” IS TO SCHEDULE A PRESENTATION WITH 3 STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT. (Students will select among after-school dates provided to them during the Enrichment).

What if students can’t make it to Portfolio Night?

Students will have to schedule a presentation to a committee of teachers outside of class time, and AFTER THE Portfolio Night DATE. If a student is not available to come that evening, they schedule a presentation to 3 staff members in a classroom in the weeks following the event. It is a great experience. They get a chance to talk about their work at Coventry High School, and speak to how they feel they achieved the mission personally. It also gives public speaking practice in a supported, intimate setting. It’s difficult to have enough staff available to offer this valuable experience to every student, which explains the “science fair” style open house event.

How about Academic Probation?

No academic probation applies

How about Exchange Students?

All exchange students are in a Portfolio “class” on MMS because they have a homeroom. They don’t need to do the portfolio if they are not seeking a CHS Diploma. Homeroom teachers record an “Incomplete” to indicate the status of the Portfolio option. The students could, however, complete the Portfolio and earn a P in that area.

Are transfer students required to do less?


  • Counsel all students to do their best. If counselors believe a special situation or transfer should be taken into account they should include that student’s name on a list of special cases that should be forwarded to Portfolio Committee at Portfolio Night.
  • Students still need to have their portfolio “Passed” by 3 teachers at the Portfolio Night
  • Those compiling scores at the Portfolio Night will consider the situation before recommending remediation (incomplete) or verifying completion (P grade).
  • Staff explain to students the importance of keeping in mind how “depth of understanding” being more important than “breadth of coverage.” At the same time, students should try to include as much of the core requirements of the portfolio as they can. The core would be the projects and the 11 expectations.
  • Transfer students should be asked to bring with them to CHS any portfolio or electronically stored student work from their previous school that could lead to fulfillment of Generation 2 requirements.
  • Finally, a "good showing" and "showing up" to the open house by transfer students may allow them to pass if they fall short on some expectations.

How rigid are the numbers of projects and expectations?

The numbers are minimum totals. For example, Sophomores must have 2 projects and connect them to 5 expectations. Some various ways they could do this would be:

  • 1 project connected to 5 expectations, and 1 without a clear connection
  • 3 projects connected to 4 different expectations and 2 projects connected to the same 5th expectation
  • 5 different projects each connected to a different expectation.

The same logic applies to all of the grade levels.

Isn’t there a lot riding on this?

The Portfolio Night is held before the end of 3rd quarter to give students who are not up to date the chance to complete the portfolio by the end of 4th quarter. Students with “Incomplete” grades or those who have not come to the Portfolio Night will need to complete the requirements and make a formal presentation of their Portfolio to a committee of teachers.

What's the Rubric I'll be using ?

Portfolio Scoring Checklist