Special Education
The CHS Special Education Department seeks to provide identified students with the services, resources, and materials necessary to develop intellectual, social and emotional skills in the least restrictive environment. The ultimate goal is to prepare students in fulfilling a positive contribution to society through vocational choice, community involvement , and responsible citizenship.
Adjusted Curriculum Program - This program serves students who have severe learning disabilities. These students have needs requiring intensive special education instruction and special modifications in their other classes. Instruction in regular education classrooms and social experiences are major goals. Students receive services in both special education and mainstream settings.
Resource Program - In this program special education resource teachers offer direct instruction to students, consultative services to regular classroom teachers and diagnostic assessment services to identify a program for students with mild to moderate disabilities. Individualized student programs provide specific skill remediation, compensatory training, and the development of independent learning skills.
Special Needs Program - This program provides individualized services mandated students with significant cognitive delays up to age 21. A major emphasis of the program is the preparation for independent community living. Areas of instruction include functional academics, development of social, emotional and motor skills, and vocational training. Inclusive practices are supported at all levels consistent within the concept of the Least Restrictive Environment.