About CNH
Nathan Hale: Scholar-Teacher-Soldier-Martyr
Born June 6, 1755 Coventry, Connecticut. Graduated Yale in 1773. Taught in the little red schoolhouse at the fork of the road, East Haddam, Connecticut November 1, 1773 to May 1774. Soldier May 1774 to September 22, 1776. Martyred in New York City where his last words were "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."
To Coventry, 22 September 1968
This committee leaves a challenge. In providing a philosophy of joining the old with the new, a library filled with good books. (tested and found true by time) and educational television (for the main, untried but not untrue) in the same resource center, we have added innovation. The challenge we give is forever new, for as certain as new days dawn, so new ideas will spawn.
We have faith in the hopes and aspiration of Mr. Laurance G. O'Connor – Superintendent of Schools and Mr. Edward Mahoney – Principal of Captain Nathan Hale School that this challenge be squarely met by a dedicated teaching staff to who imagination and inventiveness is the only horizon to their educational goals.
To the Town we challenge you to support the good intentions of this challenge to the school with patience during the learning phase and support for continued development of new concepts in the field of learning.
The Town of Coventry, Connecticut extends to Walter P. Crabtree Jr., Architect, its congratulations for a splendid design and thanks for an economical yet quality building as represented by the Captain Nathan Hale School. As First Selectman – I express our thanks for your personal interest in the need of lowest costs to meet the demands of an expanding population.
The overall cost of $1,375,000.00 for 42 pupil rated rooms with a rated capacity of 1108 pupils makes this one of the lowest costing schools built in Connecticut within the last five years. At the same time it incorporates a full rated Industrial Arts Center. A Home Economics Education Suite, A Music Suite, A Resource Center including a Library, Audiovisual Center and an Educational Television Studio.
What more can be said but Thank You.
Michael Pesce, First Selectman
At Captain Nathan Hale we believe . . . Children are the future
- In our students and will provide a safe, stimulating environment.
- The curriculum should challenge every student, and the staff will supply support for everyone to meet this challenge.
- All children have the ability to succeed.
- All students should be comfortable to approach any adult with any concerns or problems and we pledge to listen and act on their concerns.
- In our community of learners (teachers, students, and parents) and will accept differences and the dignity of others.
- Students should work to their fullest potential.
- In every student finding their creative talents within themselves.
- Parents are an integral part of the learning process.
- All adults within the school community contribute to the development of our students.
- Reading skills are key to success in the content areas.
- Respect and mutual appreciation between staff and students are a priority.
- Character education is everyone’s responsibility (respect, diversity, tolerance.)
- In models of integrity, modesty, kindness, good citizenship, and of life-long learning.
- That students are capable of making positive contributions of the community.
- That with student independence comes responsibility.
- In developing well-rounded individuals.
- Students need to have choices and input in their learning.
- In making learning relevant.
- In becoming environmentally aware and understanding how our actions affect the natural world around us.
- In providing the opportunity for students to learn through their own unique learning styles.
- In the importance of extra-curricula activities.
- Technology is crucial in succeeding in today’s world.
- All students should have the opportunity for a nutritious breakfast and lunch.
- Humor and fun should be part of every day.
- Ongoing staff development is essential to a successful learning environment.
- Fostering students in goal setting.
- Students are all part of one team working together helping others.