Extra Curricular Activities
CNHMS is proud of its extracurricular activity program. Students will have many opportunities to meet people and participate in a wide variety of activities including interscholastic sports, intramural sports, music, drama club, ski club, and many others. We believe that every student should have the opportunity to participate in the total school program that includes extracurricular activities. Participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege. A student must accept responsibility for his/her own actions and meet the academic guidelines for participation. Students should listen to the morning announcements for information about the clubs, activities, and sports at CNHMS.
Extracurricular Activities include:
- Community Service Club
- Cup Stacking Club
- Drama Club
- Games Club
- Nature & Environment Club
- Ski Club
- Social Studies Catch-Up Club
- Walk & Talk Club
Athletic & Extracurricular Activities – Academic Eligibility
The Board of Education recognizes the value of athletic competition and extracurricular activities for middle school and high school students and the integral role that these activities play in public school education. It therefore endorses and encourages the participation of Coventry students in extracurricular activities during and after school hours in the middle and high schools. It also endorses and encourages the participation of Coventry students in the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference to provide for an organized program in interscholastic athletics.
Requirements – Extracurricular/Athletic:
To participate in Extracurricular/Athletic Activities, a student must satisfy the following requirements:
- Not more than one course with a grade below 65%.
- If a student has one failing grade, all courses averaged together must be at least 70%.
- Additionally, the student must be a good school citizen and a worthy representative of Coventry Public Schools. Repeated infractions of school rules, poor attendance or other evidence of poor citizenship will, as determined by the building principal, render a student ineligible.
No middle/high school student will be allowed to participate in an interscholastic athletic or extracurricular activity during any quarter marking period immediately following a quarter marking period in which the student has not met the above requirements. Eligibility for fall sports/extracurricular activities will be determined by the final grade for each subject at the end of the previous school year.
Middle school and high school administrators working with athletic directors, coaches, and teachers will develop appropriate support systems to identify and assist student participants who are experiencing academic difficulties that may affect continuing eligibility.