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About GHR

2024-2025 GHR Student Handbook


We the staff of the George Hersey Robertson Intermediate School recognize and affirm our responsibility for advancing the goals of the Board of Education. In so doing we are committed to enhancing the essential partnership with parents and community.

We accept our roles as facilitators and motivators of learning as we provide a stimulating environment for growth. Students’ acquisition of basic skills will be paralleled by the development of a supporting belief in ones self, a sensitivity and caring for others, and a healthy respect for individual differences, regardless of what those differences might be.

We will:

  • Provide a safe, supportive, nurturing and structured environment for the student.
  • Teach all students a sound core curriculum that includes the related arts.
  • Define and reinforce clear expectations for children.
  • Teach in a style that addresses the needs of the students.
  • Teach and foster individual responsibility.
  • Encourage and model lifelong learning.


Coventry Public Schools Portrait of the Graduate

Tree with globe surrounded by 5 elements and detailed information below

Coventry Public Schools Mission: Coventry Public Schools will prepare every student for life, learning, and work in the 21st century. Our graduates are empowered learners who have the knowledge, skills, and habits of mind to thrive as members of a complex society.  

Portrait of the Graduate Competencies


Critical Thinker
  • Solves problems
  • Reasons effectively
  • Makes evidenced based decisions
  • Analyzes and evaluates outcomes
  • Is an inquisitive learner
Engaged Collaborator
  • Gives and receives respectful feedback
  • Is flexible and adaptable 
  • Shares leadership and takes initiative
  • Is invested in the group outcome
  • Encourages and values diverse perspectives
Effective Communicator
  • Is articulate and knowledgeable in all forms of communication
  • Demonstrates skill in different modalities 
  • Listens actively and responsively
  • Shows awareness of purpose and audience
Empowered Citizen
  • Embraces diversity and individuality
  • Seeks cultural understanding
  • Engages in the community 
  • Is civic minded and informed
  • Shows empathy for others
  • Advocates for self and others
  • Demonstrates integrity and ethical behavior
Authentic Innovator
  • Understands, perseveres, and adapts to real-world challenges
  • Exhibits creativity, originality and ingenuity
  • Promotes divergent perspectives
  • Demonstrates resilience and views failure as a learning opportunity
  • Applies a deliberate and thoughtful design process
  • Reflects, self-critiques, and self-regulates