Coventry Public Schools Home

Library Media Center


Welcome to the GHR Library


This web page is designed to help you locate and use resources from our Library Media Center independently. Once you are comfortable using GHR's Bell Memorial Library, all kinds of doors will open for you. Each lesson will integrate the latest national ISTE Standards of teaching and learning to prepare you to thrive in this digital age. I look forward to working with you!

Please reach out anytime:


Mrs. Phillips: Library Media Specialist



Follett Destiny


Our online CATALOG can be accessed from anywhere.



Nutmeg Book Award


Visit the Connecticut's Nutmeg Book Award website.

- Nominees are announced each May with voting the following April:

- Choose from the Elementary Nominees & Intermediate Nominees.

                                             - Read at least 1 title from a list to vote for the winner.  

                                             - Read any 10 from either list to earn a Library reward!

Booth and Dimock Library


Visit our town library's catalog for more ideas!




Search Options: Use these resources to search safely.


Scholastic Go




TrueFlix logo







Student Resources


Visit my Bitmoji Resource Page for much more!