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Welcome to the GHR PTO!


The PTO is made up of parents, legal guardians, GHR staff and administrators, who through volunteering and collaboration help make GHR an even more amazing experience for every student! We work to strengthen the connection between school and home, while building a strong school community for families and staff. We help provide funding for extra events, programs, opportunities and equipment so students can have the maximum experience possible.

Many hands make light work and an amazing school! Please reach out to us at to see how you can help. Whether you want to share an idea, volunteer an hour at home or in the school we have a wide range of opportunities and will help you find something that speaks to your heart. Our wonderful community also has a Facebook page to help stay connected. Look for us at “George H Robertson School PTO.” As always please feel free to contact the board any time. We look forward to a new and exciting school year!

2045-2025 Executive Board

Co-President - Emma Eaton
Co-President - Jen Rodgers
Treasurer - Robyn Gallagher
Secretary - Lindsay Darcy

We are always looking for more volunteers to spearhead fun fundraisers such as Yankee Candle, Munson Chocolates, Scholastic Books and more! If you have any questions or ideas you’d like to bring to our attention, please feel free to contact the PTO board at

Meeting Agenda & Minutes