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Special Services

Our special education program at G. H. Robertson Intermediate School is dedicated to providing successful, exciting, and beneficial learning experiences for all children. The goal of our program is to provide equal access and equal opportunities for all of our students. We are proud to accept the challenge of maintaining a comprehensive program that includes resource room instruction and support, and a program for students with multiple disabilities for grades 3-5.

Professionals providing related services include speech/language pathologists, school psychologists, school social workers, occupational therapist, and a physical therapist.

Resource room support is provided at each grade level both in the regular and special education classrooms. An individualized education plan (IEP) is developed by a team of staff and parents/guardians that addresses the individual needs of each child and includes appropriate modifications and accommodations in the general education environment.

The program for students with multiple disabilities who require a more intensive attention provides instruction in academics and life skills. Occupational and Physical Therapists provide services to students with disabilities who require specialized instruction in fine and gross motor areas.

Speech-language services are available for students with a speech and/or language disability.

Psychological services include pupil testing, counseling, support groups, behavior modification strategies, and assistance to teachers.

  • Psychologist

School Social Workers, who serve as liaisons between the school, home, and community, provide intervention when necessary to enhance a student's adjustment and functioning at school. Some of their services include conducting developmental histories, counseling, support groups, supporting behavior modification strategies, and assistance to teachers.

Social Worker- Laila DaSilva -

Additional support is provided to staff and students by a team of dedicated paraprofessionals.

Pupil Personnel Services

Helpful resources