Please click here to sign your child up for the 2024-2025 School Year
Program Options
5 Day Part –Day AM
5 Day Part – Day PM
5 Day School Day
Additional Program Options
Before Care
* After Care
* Subject to change based upon staffing
Yearly/Daily Fees
Part-Day Classes - $3,037/year
School-Day Classes - $5,710/year
Before Care - $9/Day
After Care (until 4:30) - $12/Day
The fee structure is evaluated yearly and may be subject to change. We will update the website should changes occur.
Tuition Assistance
Tuition for our families who need financial assistance is based on two factors: 1) family income; and 2) family size. The CT Office of Early Childhood (OEC) establishes a Fee Schedule based on these two factors. From time to time, the OEC makes changes to the Fee Schedule. If you believe that you may qualify for financial assistance, the HEEC Tuition Assistant Liaison will contact you to determine eligibility based on the Fee Schedule. An example of qualifying assistance is:
- Family of 1-3 earning less than $83,905.50
- Family of 4 earning less than $99,888.00
- Family of 5 earning less than $115,869.75
Registration Fee
A $50 registration fee is required at the time of the initial registration. If at the time of registration, a family is requesting tuition assistance, the registration fee of $50 will be waived. If the family does not qualify for assistance (as determined by the qualification meeting with the School Readiness Liaison) the $50 fee will be added to the first invoice.
If you have any questions regarding sign ups, please contact the school at 860-742-4550.